>> Phnom Penh-Nha Trang Market | Eat the World NYC

15 February 2009

Phnom Penh-Nha Trang Market


You get an idea what might be inside from the owners naming of the place, which shares two locations in two countries. First, Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, and then Nha Trang, a coastal region of Vietnam known for its beautiful beaches. It is a small hint of the tiny southeast Asian communities living in the Bedford Park area of the Bronx.

This small grocery near Kingsbridge Road is packed with many southeast Asian items, one of which was the curious "Tara Basil Seed Drink with Honey" ($1.25). The seeds float in the juice, and scared me off, but the end result was not so horrible. I won't get used to the texture though. They also had plenty of powders and mixes to try to make soups and dishes at home, all priced around $1.50.

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